I write here for myself to keep my thoughts organized about my personal uneventful life and everything
else in between. I speak Engrish for the most part. So if you're a judging close minded asshole or
excessively annoying grammar nazi - fuck you, shut up and go away. This is my place, my rules. Keep
your shoes on.
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Saturday, January 7, 2012 @ 5:15 AM
![]() Obviously life is no fucking fairy tale so it being a new year definitely does not magically make everything okay. Things never really resolve on its on and I'm still putting off things I need to do. It's still the same boring schedule but lately my Monday and Tuesday shifts at workplace1 has actually been very busy compared to before. Workplace2 is still the same, understaffed and always overtime but lately it hasn't been as bad as it was the first few weeks. I guess management is finally catching a clue to do all the settling the total sales of the day and tips faster. I'm getting a bit more accustomed to waitressing and the pay is good for the duration of the actual shift but it's even though the shifts aren't exactly a full work day, it gets stressful or intense to a point where I can't even find time to drink something even when I'm dying of thirst. Its tiring not just physically but mentally. Its getting increasingly harder to force a smile working with customers. I'm trying to keep my memory intact or at least organize it so its not so bad that I can hardly remember what I did the day before. Lets see... Even at workplace1 on Monday and Tuesdays I have to close so basically I have to do closing work for both places I work at without fail because my shift starts late. It's weird that I've been working at both places for a bit over a month and I'm still kind of in my own world. Generally, I do what I need to do, I don't really talk much unless its to customers or I have to. I mind my own business and only remember or know the names of the few other servers I work with or the managers. I feel kind of bad when someone part of the rest of the staff talks to me and I can't recall their name or face at all but they know mines. I think people aren't finding me as unapproachable anymore since they're starting to act like grade school at workplace1 constantly with trying to play matchmaker with me and another co-worker I work with who is about 3 years older than me. One night I showed up for my shift and they prank sent me to the person saying he needed to discuss something with me- he didn't. I was clueless. Then there's the part where one of my co-workers who I would probably describe as a feminine gossiping uncle (but not in a hateful way) started insisting that if I had any questions or needed a code to change anything in the POS I should just go to the co-worker they're all pushing me to him for some odd reason. Also to make sure that when I address him, to address him sweetly as something like an "oppa" or "senpai". Good grief. I'm usually busy so it's easy for me to just ignore it and run away to tables I'm taking care off, or I play stupid since I find it a bit awkward. The owner also compensated me for the party of assholes that made my night miserable along with my paycheck. Its hard to really read the guy, mostly because I find it hard to trust anyone, especially in a workplace. Workplace2, the bartender randomly picks on me throughout my shift because I don't know shit about all the 50 million different kind of drinks and wines so I end up bothering him a lot about the drink before I punch it into the system so I don't put in the wrong order. This has evolved from him telling me to smile more to randomly poking me or scaring me randomly during my shift as I put in orders on the POS. I don't understand the guy at all but hes really outspoken and funny whenever he says anything. He likes to be a dick sometimes though- when it gets later into the night and it starts to slow down, I watch the huge flat screen on the bar while waiting on the last few tables that aren't really demanding. Random shows come on like the Simpsons but he'd just intentionally change it to football or something. Me: wtf is sports? Sometimes I find myself dazing off and blankly staring at the screen anyway. One of my co-workers actually stopped and asked "What the fuck, Donna you're actually watching the game? Whats the score?" Me: "No...not really, I'm just kinda... looking at things move on the screen." He just laughed. Wednesday is usually my day off so I finally met up with a friend, except I'm always late also because Fedex was suppose to deliver me a package from Korea I ordered as a gift for a friend. They loaded the truck as "out for delivery" but didn't show up until the next day. So the 6pm meet up became 8pm. We went to Rockefeller and Times Square since I haven't really gone this year and I wanted to go before everything is taken down. I really have the worst luck with picking the hang out day. The last time we met up, NYC flooded with rain and we couldn't even see anything in the car or I was just really out of it. Either way, I still have the best luck at being unlucky. That day and the day before that was supposed to be one of the coldest days this Winter. It was freezing, we just wandered around and most of the places I wanted to visit was closed. I ruined the night but NYC disappoints and bores me more by the day. At some point walking outside I just didn't even feel like talking because I could feel my face frozen to a point that its numb and it became hard to even talk. I loiter too much or I do too many boring things. I'm kind of introverted and have anxiety issues so sometimes I can be particular about places I go into. And of course because of that, me being me- It came off as me being bored, uninterested or pissed. Who knows. The best part of the night turned out to be when we just decided to go home but ended up sitting in the lobby of my apartment talking for over a hour. It was actually more relaxing even though I was paranoid someone would call the cops since we did look like random creepers trespassing sitting the lobby talking in the middle of the night. But what the hell, who cares- I live there, screw it. I finally got the package the following day, screw you Fedex. I waited, why would they load it into the truck and put it as out for delivery a day ahead? Regardless, I can finally start putting A's gift package together and send out her super late Christmas / Unbirthday present soon. I wasted Thursday doing almost nothing. Now onto random pictures of the week. Lets see... Chronic Bitch Face Syndrome. See this...here's the thing- My body language is inaccurate. I'm really not bored, pissed or annoyed. Most of the time I'm actually listening or thinking about random crap. Also, I probably come off meaner in person... (Fucked up acoustic guitar in the background, the E string snapped that night and I don't have spares sigh...) I was messing around with my Naked palette since I haven't really touch the colors "Creep" and "Gunmetal" since I got this ages ago. Fact: I cannot pull off the full eye shadow look at all or bold colors. Looks weird or I'm just not use to it. The new Naked2 palette is sooo tempting, the colors are pretty and have a cooler tone. Why is make up so expensive. This year I received a lot of books/journals as gifts. As much as I love books and ...paper, I have a hard time finding or putting aside time to read lately with my schedule. Reading more is something I want to do. & Yay I finally own a Postsecret book, I love flipping through that series whenever I'm just loitering. One less book to lurk around with at Barnes & Noble since I don't usually buy new books. Pepper spray gift. Super thoughtful since I get off work late, or I'm just generally out late or alone whenever I go out. I thought he was kidding but he actually got it, He wouldn't let me test to see if it works though >_> PUREdkny. (: Interesting back story- friend picked it out without knowing it was actually something I wanted on my wishlist. I was going to get it eventually since I ran out of DKNY Be Delicious, well I actually lost the rest of the bottle entirely. Sigh, I lose everything. Be Delicious and this is one of the few perfumes I actually wear often or/along with the Jasmine since they smell... fresh and clean. Thanks~ Charlie Brown: I think I’m afraid to be happy. That about rounds up my week so far events wise. I've been starting to feel unsettled or uneasy again. Its like I'm hooked on disaster. Am I afraid of happiness? I don't know why. When things start becoming too real, I question myself. I'm not sure what the hell I'm talking about. I need to figure out what I want or what I need to do. I can't really think straight at the moment since it's been a long day / night. I don't know why I always blog so late. It's now past 5am, time to try to get some sleep in before work tomorrow. Gah, I never have any time. Labels: co-workers, friends, gifts, hanging out, holidays, job, work 5 Comments: