I write here for myself to keep my thoughts organized about my personal uneventful life and everything
else in between. I speak Engrish for the most part. So if you're a judging close minded asshole or
excessively annoying grammar nazi - fuck you, shut up and go away. This is my place, my rules. Keep
your shoes on.
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Friday, December 30, 2011 @ 4:33 AM
![]() After the weekend was over I worked at workplace1 were when I walked in for my dinner shift I was told I have to cater to a party of 11 by myself because "its in my section" (we get assigned sections by picking it out randomly like a lottery). You'd think I got lucky because I got the big party so I'd probably make more in tips. Nope. It would have been a good night if things actually worked out but it was a nightmare. I felt like crying or just walking out halfway through my shift. There was only 1 busser shared between 3 servers. I had a party of 11 obnoxious assholes along with taking care of 6 other tables with 2-4 customers per table. Monday nights are usually slow and easy but I guess since it was the day after Christmas people want to go out to eat. The crowd was unexpected and I was slammed. There was only one sushi chef that night and the party ordered a lot of sushi and sashimi. The chef mixed up all the rolls and it took him a long time to finish everything. The entire party started bitching at me about the food because 1. the sushi chef mixed up the rolls he put in each plate and 2. the runner mixed up their dishes or misplaced them. Oh, I forgot to mention of course these people would come in a huge group, order the same dish and modify it in several different ways, but the dish will still come out looking fucking the same, can't really blame the runner. So god forbid you get the dish with an ingredient you asked to be removed / added while your friend gets the same dish with your modifications. Maybe it would help if they knew what the fuck they were eating before they just shove everything placed on the table in their mouth. They ate each other's orders without even knowing and the person who ordered the dish started complaining about how he never got his order therefore he refuse to pay for it. Yeah, that's because the sushi chef placed your roll on a plate shared with your friend who ate all your shit. I don't think people realize this- I'm a waitress, I put in your order and bring your food from place A to place B. I don't fucking make the food and I don't have control over your friend eating all your shit without knowing or the fact the the sushi chef up front is slow as fuck because the place didn't hire sou chefs and whatnot for him. Please do yourself a favor and dine in at home instead of going out and making a total imbecile of yourself. I spent most of the night apologizing for shit that was out of my control while the party took up most of my time ordering small things back and forth. Yeah, lets ask for a straw then another refill then another beer one at a time. As a result, most of my other tables were a bit neglected but most of the other customers were a bit more understanding since it was very obvious that I was slammed and I was upset + stressed. Also, the entire place can hear that obnoxious party. All I could do was keep apologizing the entire night. When the party finally finished with their food they decided last minute that they wanted to split the check 3 ways. I should have wondered what kind of shit they were pulling. Most of them were just complete dicks. So because I'm still a fairly new waitress, I don't have access codes to most modifiers and whatnot on the POS. They all went up to the register and the manager helped them. I stayed at my section because I didn't have any time to spare to stand there waiting 30 minutes for them to decide how they want to split the check up front. I have other tables to look after. After a while, I realized they finally all left so I went to the manager and asked if they settled their check which came out to be almost $400. Yes they did, for the most part aside from the people bitching about never getting their food when in fact they did get it, its in their asshole friend's stomach. Also, they all just ran out without tipping while I was busy taking care of the rest of my section. This place is rather informal I guess, there isn't any mandatory gratuity added for groups of 6 or over like most other places. I have to tip my busser based on my total sales, so I ended up tipping out the busser $20 for that single party alone even though they didn't tip. Also there was more to tip out along with my other sales of the night. Its as if I just paid to service them. Fuck. I don't think people realize when they under tip ridiculously they're basically putting the server in negative most of the time. The manager basically threw me under the bus since he was the one settling the check while they all paraded in the front and he didn't make sure they tipped before leaving. Either that or hes just spineless. He couldn't even look me in the eye when I asked him if they settled. I think it was raining out that night when I got off work near midnight. The main thing that really upset me wasn't solely because I had to tip out the busser for a table I got nothing for. It's the fact that I had to take so much shit from a group of assholes for things that weren't my fault or was out of my control when it was mostly due to the chef being slow and the kitchen mixing up things. While they constantly asked for different things every 30 seconds- I could barely take care of my other tables. I didn't get any help at all and the busser didn't make it any easier for me even though there was only 1 server for that huge party + section. I just got screwed over. I had to work the next day too, it was pouring rain and I originally intended to call in sick cause of the shit fest that was the night before but the owner texted me a couple hours before my shift with all the holiday greetings and formalities bullshit along with apologizing for what happened the night before because of the chef / kitchen. He offered to compensate me along with my base pay. I'm not really sure who told him about that night because I didn't mention it. I basically just used every once of tolerance I could muster- suck it up and go on with the night without complaining or confronting my co-workers. So I didn't call in sick since I felt a bit obligated to show up to work since the owner went out of his way to text me about it. Tuesday night wasn't as busy but halfway through my shift I got a cola shower because someone left the door swinging really hard as I was walking out and all 4 drinks I was carrying spilled all over me. Just my luck. There was nothing I could do but wipe myself off and use the hand dryer so at least I'm not dripping soda. The night didn't get much better after. Wednesday, finally my day off but not so great either. I ran some errands to the post office and mailed in school papers as well as stop by best buy to see if they would exchange the laptop I got as a gift without a receipt. My mom who was the middle person that was suppose to give me the receipt lost it within a few hours after she got it. Whats new? I'm not really surprise since she has never been very maternal or careful about things related to me. I always get screwed over by her paperwork or blamed for it one way or another. They wouldn't exchange it or give me store credit as expect. So I guess I'm stuck with this I originally intended to return it and get a slightly better one that can handle all the multitasking I usually do without slowing down so much. I would have made up the difference myself. It's not that I'm ungrateful for the present but its the fact that she couldn't give half a shit to look out for things or matters that concerns me. I started cleaning that night since I had an apartment inspection Friday morning anyway. I must have inhaled too much dust or I just forgot to eat. I felt sick afterwards, it's not very fun to vomit nothing but water/tea anyway. It's like drinking it but going the opposite way with stomach acid... I'm getting sick, I can feel it in my bones. I've been waking up the past week with a piercing pain in my chest as well as random vertigo moments. No, I wasn't high or overdosing. Damn, this is not the fucking time to get sick. My annoying wisdom tooth that has been slowing growing for the past year decided its time to grow again so the pain and swelling has return. These fucking things sure like taking their time. I'm trying to hold out until I get all 4 to get them all removed at once in one go instead of going back a couple times. Cherry on top of my lovely week. Thursday, I had 3 doctors appointment but I was running late since I overslept. My schedule is flipped and I sleep at like 6am... I got in a couple hours of sleep before I had to get up for my appointments. I made it to 2 of them and the last one got canceled since I was over 2 hours late. Well, at least I made it to the one where I got antibiotics for my gums / tooth and painkillers so eating wouldn't be as torturous. Since my appointment got canceled I just hung around for a while before meeting up with my HS best friend. I don't get to see her often. We met up at Williamsburg and just snacked + had coffee at St. Alps. The sumiyaki coffee is too damn sweet. It was freezing the entire day and night wasn't any better but I don't mind loitering around and just doing completely boring thoughtless things while chatting. I'm still convinced my friend got really drunk or high halfway through the night thought or maybe happiness is a very strange thing to me. I think that's all for my week so far. There were several other highlights of this week besides getting to hang out with my old friend again. I got a gift in the mail from my friend who I can practically call my childhood friend with the Alice in Wonderland planner that I've always wanted along with an usb with video recordings and a letter that made me smile and made my shitty week somewhat bearable. (Thank you~) I love almost all of the Neverending Story stationary designs. I can't wait to put the planner to use and decorate it but my OCD won't let me until January 1st, the start of a new year. Alice in Wonderland and my dead flowers? Tea Party~ Flamingo Croquet! Another highlight of my week was just... me being foreveralone and Yes, she has a Santa suit. and a Christmas sweater >_>; She has her own wardrobe. Sigh, freaking Last.fm music charts still aren't working. Apparently they're having some issues with imagegen or whatever the host is called. Time to sleep, I have some apartment inspector person coming tomorrow from 9am-12pm, so I have my pants and everything all ready and prepared for the rude awakening I'm expecting in a couple of hours- when I have to roll out of the bed, put on some clothes or pants and sleep-run to answer the door, get the inspection over with and hopefully get a few more hours of sleep in before work again. I'll be working New Years eve and day as well. Well, most of the customers are usually happy or funny drunks so hopefully it won't be a nightmare. Here is gone. Labels: bad days, friends, gifts, job, miserable, momo, work 2 Comments: