I write here for myself to keep my thoughts organized about my personal uneventful life and everything
else in between. I speak Engrish for the most part. So if you're a judging close minded asshole or
excessively annoying grammar nazi - fuck you, shut up and go away. This is my place, my rules. Keep
your shoes on.
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Sunday, December 4, 2011 @ 1:38 AM
![]() Not sure where to begin. I managed to get up this morning in a daze, drugged and hungover. I don't know why I go crazy sometimes, good thing I've built a high tolerance to it. I got a last minute email yesterday to go into workplace #2 for orientation. I have to make it somehow. Getting a ride there instead of taking the bus this time didn't help at all either since we ended up getting lost. First time going for interview I was late since Sunday the MTA always fucks up their normal services, then this week going directly by car backfired also. See, somehow some way I'm always late no matter what approach. At least I made it before the manager got there. Right when I walked through the door my old friend called me. Wow is my caller ID really correct? I instantly turned around and walked back outside to answer the phone. Alright, its on for tonight. Most of the potential staff members were all around the same age with the exception of the bartender and one other waiter who seems to be in their 30s. The rest of us are all in our 20s. I was chatting with one of my soon to be co-workers and turns out he use to go to the high school next to mines but hes 1 year older. Turns out he went to John Bowne High School which was right next to the one I went to, 1 bus stop earlier. Who knows maybe we were on the same bus at some point during that time of our lives. The orientation was just mostly just for playing with the POS and menu. Not much to it, boring. At least it didn't last all night. I got off a bit earlier so I headed out to St. Marks for some dinner and catching up. I took another one of my anxiety medicines after I got off work since I was started to get one of those tension headaches. It started making me really drowsy on the train so I instantly headed for the Starbucks right off the station at Union Square where I got off and my friend found me in there. Anyway, I don't know what happened but apparently some prissy bitch got tapped a bit as my friend was helping me get a straw so she was all "Excuuuuuuuuuuse me?!" Just imagine a white girl trying to be be black and saying it like that. Oh yeah, you're so hardcore. I'm not sure what happened at first I found it kind of humorous since people are so touchy and on the edge. So we just walked out, within a minute I guess the girl's super protective lesbian girlfriend/bodyguard came out and shoved my friend. "This is for doing whatever you did and talking shit." I couldn't even be mad or argue since I was really just too confused. I don't even know what she said. I was more confused since I seriously had no idea why they were so worked up. Did sand get trapped in your vagina from too much scissoring? Who knows, all over a straw and some prissy princess. I sort of imagined myself in a fight with that tiny dyke but I just didn't have the energy for it, I'm got out of work, I'm tired, I finally get a chance to see my friend and I don't feel like dealing with prima donna lesbians. (fuck, doesn't that seem like I'm talking about myself? FML and my name) I just wonder how she goes around carrying herself like that without getting fucked with a chainsaw or something. I hope the kid is smart and picks her battles because people can kill and she looks like a twig that'd easily be snapped in half. The night goes on. We headed to some sushi lounge near Thompson square park instead. There were a lot more homeless people or drunks than I remember. Was it always like this? The place was a bit run down but relaxing. I don't care too much for fine dining and paying $300 per person for meal where you get a total of 2 bites for the entire course. We got a chance to catch up a bite and had our usual walk and smoke to the station. Not sure if this was one of those once every quarter of a year events, but even if it was; I no longer had those kind of expectations for anyone in my life. I'll just enjoy the moment. I'm getting over the phase or trying to throw that part of me away. The scary and unbecoming part of me that wants to possess people. So that's that. It's been the same monotonous shit lately with work. I finally got a call back from the owner of workplace1 after 10pm some nights ago agreeing to transfer me to the location I wanted to work at. Where tips are not pooled so there won't be so many complications. Yeah sorry old twats, I'm not your fucking doormat. To be completely honest, I was ready to get fired or not work there already since I am after all just a newcomer and I was being a royal pain in the ass aka. stubborn and not being the fucking pushover they want me to be. Free for all is what I was hoping for, I'll pull my own weight but I already know there's going to be more upcoming trouble. I can already feel it- like if they don't give me enough tables and whatnot because I'm new. We'll see, at least this is a start. This is just the beginning. I do worry too much. I just hate wasting my time. Well let me reword that, I waste my own time all the time to worthless things but I hate letting other people waste my time. Its my fucking time to waste not yours. Labels: friends, life, memories, wasting time, work 0 Comments: |