I write here for myself to keep my thoughts organized about my personal uneventful life and everything
else in between. I speak Engrish for the most part. So if you're a judging close minded asshole or
excessively annoying grammar nazi - fuck you, shut up and go away. This is my place, my rules. Keep
your shoes on.
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Friday, November 25, 2011 @ 4:59 PM
![]() Starting a blog was suppose to be an outlet for me to vent. Just for myself so I can clear my mind and organize my thoughts. Apparently Dumbledore had a bowl that holds his memories for him, he just deposits it like its a fucking memory bank or something. Where can I get one of those? I wasn't sure where to begin so I started writing down random things are running through my head. I can't keep up with my mind at all. If only my days were more eventful. I'd have something to chronicle my life journeys and my awesome youthful years about. I laughed at myself writing that. It's just so my content isn't entirely me talking to myself, spewing my opinions all over the place and skipping topics. Yeah, because my feelings and opinions are more important than yours. At least here. ![]()
My constant disjointed racing thoughts explains a lot of my habits. First being, I suffer from severe chronic insomnia. I often get distracted easily and start a million things but only finish a few. I consistently poly-read books, usually 5-7 at a time. I honestly do feel like at some point I'm like a child with autism but I'm an adult. It doesn't entirely fit together though, because I also tend to obsessively tunnel vision on projects I start on until I get burnt out and move on without finishing. I wonder whats the solution. I don't want to be one of the many hypochondriacs who self diagnose themselves based on webMD. I would rather not know if something is wrong with me up until the point I'm dying. "Oh, by the way you're dying. You have a week left." "Oh well, too late. Fuck it." then proceed to donate my empire of garbage and do things I was too pansy to do. It'll probably be one of those scenarios where when you get old enough, you just don't give a shit anyway. Do all the drugs you want.
![]() I was in the car that day since I got lectured to go that very instant. I got shipped off to get my lungs and heart scanned. I was oddly indifferent and apathetic about it at first. Then the paranoia kicked in, most of it was me yelling at myself. Getting in touch with my inner drama queen to the fullest. What the hell do I do now? What can I do with my time left if I had cancer or if its anything else fatal? I haven't made anything of myself yet. No major accomplishments. Nothing I'm proud off. Nothing to show for. Fuck, I might break my promise to you, the promise I never told you. I haven't repaid you yet. I just wanted you to be happy. I knew I was a fucking bad investment. &more dramatic thoughts going at 400mph. The entire trip was almost entirely silent, then she turned to me and cried, "This is my fault, I let you do this to yourself." And that did it, fucking killed me right then and there. /dramatics. "Shorter of breathe, one day closer to death" right? I did most of the damage to myself. Now I'm just waiting for the a frozen poultry to fall out of the freezer and knock me dead on the head. Then again, nothings ever in my fridge. Fuck my life and fuck my year supply of ramen. Labels: books, death, drama, hate 0 Comments: |