I write here for myself to keep my thoughts organized about my personal uneventful life and everything
else in between. I speak Engrish for the most part. So if you're a judging close minded asshole or
excessively annoying grammar nazi - fuck you, shut up and go away. This is my place, my rules. Keep
your shoes on.
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Thursday, November 24, 2011 @ 2:29 PM
![]() We had hotpot (nabe) and the first thing I said what I sat down was "ew wtf are these vegetarian things here, put the meat on this side". I don't think I touched any of the veggies they put in, except a few slices of taro if that counts. "JUST GIVE US ALL THE MEAT!". I'm shamelessly obnoxious like a man around my friends, mostly because we're so close or we've known each other for so long that there really is no shy factor anywhere in our relationships. I probably ate a months worth of protein. I ate way too much, or maybe its because I really haven't been eating much lately that eating a lot of real food randomly just made me feel a bit sick afterwards since my stomach started to hurt. After dinner we popped open a bottle of blush wine and played mahjong (hella Asian). Wine is usually not my drink of choice nor do I drink it often but I actually liked this blush wine. Maybe its the cute pink beverage placebo effect. Well, I was mostly on the laptop checking on things I want to get for Black Friday and watching them play while drinking the wine since I suck ass at the game. Also, I don't remember most of the rules nor do I know how to read the numbers. Funny thing is, everyone there was better than me and some of them weren't even Asian. They're either super cool or I just major failed. Well... it's probably both. One of my friend's hamsters had a million babies. So cute but I wouldn't take any since Momo will kill them. It was just a good day off. I played a few rounds and managed to win 50 cents, I'm rich. Good game. We really weren't playing seriously. I think it was just more fun that half of us didn't know how to play properly so it made the situation all that more ridiculous since half of us were using "cheat sheets" where my friend wrote down all the Chinese characters and what number it meant for us. Most of the game time while I was on the table was me yelling "WAIT!! *checks sheet* okay hold up so.. 5 6..7." ..."WAITT!! what did you put down?" "Can I get that?" and more distractions. I really do feel bad for the people that put up with me sometimes. Bailey loves me 8D Oh, we also ended up making a drunk call to our friend in Florida, I don't think we made any sense. I told her I took pictures of everyone's cleavage for her. We decided to play Mad Gab afterwards because its extra hilarious to see drunk people try to pronounce or make out words. I kept cracking up like an idiot because some of their pronunciations were so ridiculous. "YO JUST SAY THAT WITHOUT THE GERMAN/FRENCH AND YOU GOT IT!!" or our clues where just something like, "So, this is how you would pronounce the word if you were Japanese and speak engrish." I got carried by my team first round and we won, I seriously cannot comprehend accents so this was probably the worst game for me to play. I probably only got 2 or 3 right out of all the rounds. Then we switched up the teams and ended up tying 2nd round. The new flats I bought for the new job(s)? I always turn pink, damn my inferior Asian genes. By the end of the night we finished off the entire bottle of blush wine and vodka. They were pretty fucking big bottles too probably 1.5L each. I haven't been able to hold my alcohol well at all lately, ever since I started taking one of these medicines I'm sure. I felt the same the last time I drank a lot when my friend came back to NYC to visit. I think it may have to do with the medicines I'm required to take and the fact that I'm not suppose to be drinking while on them. I figured, as long as I don't drink a couple of hours before or after I drink, I won't die. So it's okay, but it really makes the alcohol hit me extra hard though. Also, its my ToTM again, for some odd reason almost every time they want to do some event or hang out it's my ToTM. Unfortunately I'm unlucky and don't fall under the category of women who can have their period like its nothing. I get really bad cramps, even more anemic than I usually am, skin issues and just generally feel like shit. Same thing happened last month, we always do things around the same time of the month. I was on my 4th or 5th drink and I really started to feel it, I probably had about 6-7 drinks total before I stopped. My friend likes to make mines extra strong like 1:1 cause that's how I had it before, she'll be my favorite bartender if she actually decides to become one. It was a fun night, I was already at the hangover phase by the time I got dropped off at home and the rest of them went Black Friday shopping at the mall. What troopers, apparently they were shopping until 7am waiting at places and whatnot. I'm afraid of shopping on a normal day, so I imagine Black Friday to be something like WW2 with soccer moms and Hollister obsessed teenagers playing tug-o-war with clothes they want and electronic stores to be like the march of the geeks. Who knows. I'm not sure I'll ever find out. Labels: drinking, friends, holidays, thanksgiving 0 Comments: |