I write here for myself to keep my thoughts organized about my personal uneventful life and everything
else in between. I speak Engrish for the most part. So if you're a judging close minded asshole or
excessively annoying grammar nazi - fuck you, shut up and go away. This is my place, my rules. Keep
your shoes on.
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Thursday, November 24, 2011 @ 3:30 AM
![]() My schedule has been pretty hectic lately. I really should buy a planner to write stuff down because I tend to overlook or forget things all the time. Everyday consist of something completely different I have to do or take care of. And as always, I lose track. What else would you expect from someone who doesn't even know what day it is half the time. Me scribbling random things down on my journal is just so unorganized I never know whats on what page and ...there are no dates. I was actually mixing up all my job interview location addresses before. I'll just die all over the place if I go to the wrong place again. I'm talking about an actual paper and pen kind of planner. Super ancient, super old school but it works best for me. I cant seem to operate using a phone for some reason. Also, I like scribbling. I've been looking around local bookstores but I still haven't seen one I like enough to carry around all the time. I still have my old high school planners in a box somewhere and half of the writing in it are random drawings or me writing nonsense. So far, I've been using random post-it notes all over the place to remind me where I have to go on what day. My bag looks like a post-it recycle bin. Ah well fuck, that did not work out. I'm drained and I was trying to blog on my laptop in bed but apparently half the keys on my laptop don't register and the keypad is all fucked up. I only made it one paragraph before I rage quit, threw my laptop across my room and got back on my desktop. I hate my laptop but I can't blame it. It's ancient and to make it worst, its a Dell. A bright pink dell, seriously what the hell. At least I had it though, it was a "present" from my mom. Ugh, guess I should save up for another one. Everything I own is ancient or broken. I really do break everything I touch. Yesterday I decided to fix my keyboard holder part of my desk that has been broken for months. I don't know why I randomly decided to "fix" it last night. Me putting a chair under my computer desk to hold my keyboard holder in place was ghetto fabulous and working fine. Just think of random scrawny Asian girl + hammer and a toolbox. I just raged half way through, only half of the nail got in and then I super glued it. Superglue is the answer to everything in my life. It sucks to do all the work a man is suppose to do in the house. I'm too fucking short to change the light bulb even with a ladder I struggle. Then building or putting together furniture and whatnot. Seriously, I'm a ghetto handyman, I can kill bugs, I can open jars and I can take out the trash. Men are obsolete to me? Afterwards, for some crazy reason I thought I might as well try to set up my wireless stuff now so I'm not always tripping all over the place with Ethernet cords and whatnot. I gave up. I seriously live under a rock- don't know how to set up my cable internet to be wireless at home and I couldn't figure out how to set up my wireless printer network thing either. So I hauled my giant printer into my room and settled with that. Everything is wired. Old fashion. FUUU technology. Why do you hate me, or why do I just fail so hard. So today, I went for my 2nd job interview. It turns out it wasn't even an interview like I assumed, I sent in my resume and the manager asked me to come in at 4pm which I thought was strange since after 4-5pm restaurants tend to get busy for the dinner shift. They usually aren't too please with people that walk in asking for a job or interviewing anyone during those times. I was running late this morning and thinking there goes me fucking up another interview by being late again. So I was running down the streets in the rain like a mad women (deja vu?) I never learn. Turns out the manager wasn't even there. I ended up waiting for over an hour observing and listening to the other waitresses and bartender babble away in Russian. The manager was nowhere to be seen. "Oh, shes here for training, here get changed." and handed me a waitress apron. Okay? Where the hell where do I start? I don't even know my schedule, salary, or if I'm hired yet. What the fuck? Okay, I'll just... do something. I just chatted with the bartender and helped out around the tables. Some photo of the place which was obviously not taken by me because I have a shit camera. I didn't get paid for today since it's my first day of training. He did say my training afterwards will be paid and hopefully I'll pick it up fast so I can fully get the job. I'll pick it up fast. It's not rocket science but hes so damn anal that one of the rules were I'm not allowed to take any orders for customers yet because I'm new. It's really not that hard. I never used open table, but its basically like any other software for organizations / companies. I eventually got off my first day there around 11pm. By the end of the night I wasn't as awkward as when I first walked in. I had a chance to chat with a few of the employees, mostly the bartender, one of the waitress and the delivery guy. Most of them had very thick Russian accents I couldn't understand half the time, but we managed. I don't know why I have such a hard time with comprehending heavy accents or rap. It's like when I was working at the housing company all over again. For example, I'd talk to a client on the phone who is Indian or something and I would have no clue what they're saying. I just keep apologizing and saying excuse me sir can you please repeat that. I'm surprise they didn't just tell me to go fuck myself and hang up. Well, I guess they had to tolerate my disability with accents since I am after all, saving their house from foreclosure. A doorway view of it, its not actually that bright. It's very dark in the place actually. I brightened it by a lot so you could actually see the place. The bar is all the way in the back with stools and group tables and patio seating. The lighting was more like this at night, but... not this dark. Taking sneak pictures with my phone: pos photos Overall, I liked the environment, design, music and live DJ they have or events they hold there. The staff I talked to all seem to be decent people. Somehow we ended up talking about were we live, turns out the delivery guy lives in Williamsburg and we just talked about how it's the new st. marks now. All the hipsters, parties and yuppies are moving there . He seemed shocked that I knew about the hipster parties and whatnot since... I guess I just don't look the part. Him: "wait... wtf are you a hipster?" Me: "uh, I don't think so. I just know a lot of them. Plus I use to visit thrift stores there often." I think that disappointed him a bit, I saw it in his face. I'm pretty good at reading people sometimes or picking up small expressions. He probably secretly hoped I would turn out to be a hipster because he looked like a hipster himself. Like "Oh man, if she turns out to be a hipster we can be bffs at work, she can braid my beard and we can hang out and smoke a shit load of pot together or get shitfaced." Well, I'm not really like that, but I wouldn't mind going crazy once in a while. It gets pretty boring though. After chatting for a while he said if whenever we get off work around the same time he can always give me a lift home. Sweet. I left earlier than the staff tonight though, since I wasn't getting paid and it was just a training day for me today. It wasn't that early anyway, it was almost 11pm or around there by the time I left. I think they're open to 2am sometimes. I still have 2 more job interviews to go to before I settle with a schedule or place I want to work. That is, if the other places are willing to hire me as well. We'll see. I haven't see the other places yet, but it's Japanese food and I'm way more experienced and familiar with that. I'm keep all my options open. It seems like it'll be hard to get good shifts anyway, so maybe I'll mix it up between two jobs if I can manage. Or hopefully one of the other upcoming places will just love me and hire me + give me good hours and pay. I hope for too much. Well, lets just keep hoping and you'll know if I fail when I come back crying about it a few days later. Time to pass out in my new super cute silky pjs. Momo already claimed her spot ♥. Labels: breaking everything, job, organize, work 0 Comments: |