I write here for myself to keep my thoughts organized about my personal uneventful life and everything
else in between. I speak Engrish for the most part. So if you're a judging close minded asshole or
excessively annoying grammar nazi - fuck you, shut up and go away. This is my place, my rules. Keep
your shoes on.
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Saturday, December 3, 2011 @ 1:17 AM
![]() I should feel a bit more relieved as of lately but I'm not. I managed to get all my documentations in for the upcoming spring semester and I got offered the job from the 2nd Japanese restaurant I interviewed for. Good thing they gave me an early notice. They originally told me they'll get back to me by Monday (which in most cases imply they don't want you for the job). I guess this was an exception since it is a new restaurant after all. I was hoping they'd get back to me before Friday hits and it worked out. I immediately wrote a resignation letter (after a total of 1 night's worth of work.) to the Thai Lounge to avoid another unnecessary training shift I was suppose to work this Friday. Yet I'm still restless. There is always this uncertainty and frustration. I feel like opportunities are finally flying my way but school is still the exception. Some how and some where along the I always mess up my school papers or stray from getting back on track with it. As far as finding work goes, things always turn sour real fast. I started training for my the first job on Monday. Wednesday was suppose to be my last day of training at the location. I was training in a different restaurant because the owner travels between the two location he owns. So I had to begin my training at the one he was going to be supervising for the week, then transfer and start at the place I interviewed to work at. The training itself wasn't particularly horrible or a disaster. I can tolerate working with people if its my job. Whatever pays the bills and keeps you going right? Most of it is just a lot of running around and multitasking. It'll replace my workout which I have not been doing at all lately. I've just been busy and my hours are all over the place. Look at me pampering my sorry ass, technically I could come home at 10pm and workout but I don't have the willpower. I still need to drop another 15lbs. Initially my co-workers all seemed pleasant and friendly, but Wednesday night was just a reminder that everyone has multiple side to them. Especially when it comes to money in the world, always brings out the ugly in people. I finished my last training day at the location Wednesday night. I always make sure to let the owner know when I'm leaving or clocking out since I'm on training and we usually have a chat or discussion after each training day. I basically end up staying almost 30-45minutes after I clock out just chatting with the owner. Some nights ago, he tried offering me basically all other positions such as being the hostess or taking calls, being his secretary, helping him with book keeping, web maintenance or design, excel reports on the business, everything but being a server since I have no experience as a waitress. I wish people would pull their head out of their asses and stop acting like part time jobs such as waitressing are god given. It's not fucking rocket science and it's not a glamorous job. It's just work. Whats new? yet another employer trying to screw me over and give me a different position than I interviewed for, especially after I went through the trouble of reduced pay training. This is not what I signed up for, I seriously wondered what he is trying to hire me as. I got the vibe that he wanted to keep me as an employee but didn't exactly want to give me shifts yet. I got through to him eventually but it felt like I was bargaining for the position I was originally promised during my interview. I hate sleazy people. I had a meeting with the owner in his office after work Wednesday night to confirm my schedule or arrangements for the upcoming week since I'm suppose to transfer over to the other location. He asked that I stay at the location I am currently training at for another 3 weeks as an official staff member since one of the staff members is going on vacation for about a month. Originally the staff arranged for his friend to fill in for him and take over his shifts while hes away, but the owner asked me to take over his shifts for now since I'm already working there. Turns out people are really two faced bitches who are ready and armed to fuck over anyone for the extra bucks. The managers there who were all giddy and peachy became monsters when I told them out of courtesy that last night wasn't my last day at that location after all since the owner asked me to fill in for the guy. I'm pretty sure I saw the managers face turn purple or something. Her expression changed pretty damn fast. "Wait, so you're going to be an official waitress?" "Yup" "So we have to split the tips equally with you?" "Yeah... because I'm done with my training period. So its full pay now. I just spoke with the owner." (I forgot to mention, this location is pooled tips unlike the other location where its free for all.) She then proceeded to spew a bunch of bullshit that I'm new and whatnot. Fucking bitch. That wasn't the case while I was taking your workload off you without taking part in any of your pay. Pathetic excuse since I was doing fine and I already knew how the house works. While I was training, they were basically getting paid for the work I was doing for them since I didn't get tipped as a trainee. Even when customers tried to slip me tips directly, without hesitation I just handed it to the wait staff as the manager eyed me like I'm going to run away with it. Bitch, I have integrity unlike you. So now that the owner offered for me to fill in as an official staff, their attitude takes a whole 180. As she shamelessly bitched and implied she didn't want to split the tips equally with me because I am a newcomer (surprise, surprise). Which is complete bullshit since I didn't hear her complain as I gave her the tips the customers handed directly to me while I did their work for them as "training". The owner came out of his office and found himself in an awkward position between his obnoxiously greedy manager (some middle age women who acts like the entire world owes her something) and the newcomer. We explained the situation and bottom line is, she just belittled me by saying I'm extra baggage or a burden. The owner knew if he tried to give me a position other than what I signed up for, I'll simply just quit. We already had this discussion. So he just gave another one of those safe answers or suggestions "Why don't you come work the Sunday shift and see if you can hold your own". I can do that but I know it's just another waste of my time. Do people honestly believe their experience automatically equates to how hard they work? You can be in the same line of work for a 100 fucking years for all I care and you can still be a lazy incompetent petty twit. After thinking about it for a day I wrote him an email overnight turning down his offer "because I don't want any hostility or complications at the workplace". I received another email the following from the owner letting me know the manager's bargain. 50% tips for 1 week, then 75% the next then 100%. Seriously? Is there 'doormat' stamped on my forehead or are they really just trying that fucking hard to milk the most out of a newcomer. I turned down the proposal and told him to just transfer me. Now I'm just waiting to get fired for being a stubborn pain in the ass. Aside from petty work drama, I finally got my blood work back. I love how every doctor I've ever met in my life is incredibly vague about whats wrong with me or my health. They usually just spew a bunch of random medical abbreviations. English please? Well something is wrong with the levels and I need an ultrasound. I wonder if this is related to when I had surgery as a kid. I was too young to really know what exactly was wrong with me. I just remember staying at the hospital and waking up from the surgery on Christmas Eve. All the experiences I've ever had in hospitals were a complete nightmare. Well I guess that's a given, no one would be at a hospital for shits and giggles. I got put on several different medications after I got my blood work back. I'm not suppose to be smoking while I take them but I do it anyway. I'm not over 35 years old so I'll just pretend I hit the jackpot for the 'whoops I fucked up' lottery if I get a heart attack or something from it. It's almost time that I finish with my smoking anyway, so this can wait. I've been losing weight lately the past week just from running around and being stressed out. I tend to forget to eat and hunger doesn't really bother me anymore. I just got used to the feeling or it may also be one of the medicines. I'm convinced its mostly water weight anyway. I've become obsessed. Oh, and I broke my relatively new headphones already. Has it even been a month since I first got it yet? I don't know, but just the cherry on top of a shitty week. Apparently its Cyber Monday (wtf?) week so I took advantage of that and bought a new pair of headphones from Skullcandy. I've never heard of cyber Monday until just recently. I seriously live under a rock. No more MixStyle fashion headphones. I can't afford to keep breaking everything and replacing things. I would have probably lost it eventually if I didn't break it anyway. Everything I touch or own breaks or gets lost. I seriously don't know how I lost my last 3 headphones in 1 months time or where they might possibly be. It seems like every time I go out or sleepover, I lose something. I swear its bad karma coming back to me. Want to torture me? Just steal my headphones so I go batshit crazy on the train or walking around outside. Labels: health, job, money, rant, wasting time, work 1 Comments: |