I write here for myself to keep my thoughts organized about my personal uneventful life and everything
else in between. I speak Engrish for the most part. So if you're a judging close minded asshole or
excessively annoying grammar nazi - fuck you, shut up and go away. This is my place, my rules. Keep
your shoes on.
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Monday, December 5, 2011 @ 5:49 PM
![]() This morning started out bad from the moment my crappy old phone started going off. I still use my old phone as an alarm since I haven't been as proactive as I should be about calling T-Mobile to get my plan fixed so I can use a new phone. Somehow the option to turn off the alarm didn't work and I was really just too exhausted to look through the phone. I ended up snoozing the phone at least 60 times. It was a bit obscure since it goes off every minute after I press snooze. I was basically in zombie mode while it kept going off for over an hour. I had the phone in my hand and instinctively pressed snooze every minute and getting another 59 seconds of shut eye. Momo has been jumping off the bed in the middle of the night lately also then end up barking at me to pick her back up on the bed multiple times a night. Its been happening a lot lately, shes killing me. I'm usually too tired to get mad about it but its getting on my nerves now that I think about it in a fully conscious state. I added 'Mary Stayed Out All Night Long' (thanks A) to my list of 10 different things I'm watching at the same time. I'm boring. Lately I haven't been doing anything but trying to write down my entries to help with my memory and organizing my thoughts or watching random things. Even just trying to write down my day in a manner that's somewhat comprehensible is becoming a chore. On the other hand I guess it does help me organize my thoughts a bit. I'm required to talk to a therapist because of a breakdown I had a while back and she mentioned that I seem to be able to at least identify a bit more of what I need or want to say. In response, I told her its simply because I've been chronicling my thoughts and days like a little girl in writing so I basically repeat a majority of what I've already come to recognize. Next time I should just print my entries and email it to her, save myself the entire session of paraphrasing my entries to her. Nothing extravagant or exciting as usual. Especially when I get off night shifts I just let something play as I write. This drama is another one of those lighthearted romantic comedies involving a poor girl, indie rock star and a rich guy. A bit cliche but I'm actually enjoying it even though I've only got through a few episodes so far. I hope it doesn't get too annoying complicated with misunderstandings like they always do in Korean dramas. There isn't any actors in this series I can't stand to watch so I'm not constantly annoyed at a specific character simply because I hate the actress. Jang Geun Suk from You're Beautiful is one of the mean leads in this as well. So that's plus points for eye candy. Oh, so this song came on in the drama and I've had it on repeat since, it's so addicting. I can't seem to find the actual clip of him performing it in the drama, but this will have to do. Just look at the guy, Korean Hyde! When I talk about how attractive I think someone is whether they're male or female it always brings me back to a conversation I had with a friend. Friend: Have you ever had a moment where... you see this incredibly attractive person and you just think to yourself, "Oh damn... I'd do em"? I mean "I'd do em" You don't know the person Me: Hmm not specifically that, I mean if someone is attractive I would acknowledge that they're attractive... Friend: but have you ever had a moment like oh damn... i'd do him not just acknowledgement Me: No, I don't think so It's not like my ovaries is tingling or anything and I'm thinking I'd do him Friend: wth...wtf?! LOL Me: Female version of a boner? I'd like to add the disclaimer that occasional rock star fangirling doesn't count since its not going to happen. I really should start going to strand or other indie used book stores in person instead of ordering used books online. The shipping fees + book itself is starting to add up even at a reduced price. I still haven't gotten around to ordering Lolita by: Vladimir Nabokov and The Tale of the Rose: The Passion That Inspired The Little Prince by: Consuelo de Saint-Exupery yet. I should just go hunting for them in bookstores I usually wander around in, but it's such a headache trying to pin down a specific book I still haven't figured out the system they use to organize and section the books. Being me, I refuse to talk to an employee because I just don't like asking for assistance when it comes to purchasing things, because its personal. Asking someone for a book I want to read is pretty much equivalent to asking some random dude who works at a pharmacy wheres the tampons or something of that nature to me. I don't know why. Then there's the pile of books I'm still reading. I don't know why I still couldn't bring myself to finish Momo yet. Its almost as if I'm afraid to find out how its going to end. Reading it is making me crazy depress about the corporate world. Or maybe I do have ADHD or something because I can't seem to stick to watching 1 thing or reading 1 thing at a time. It's always at least 5 different things of the same activity at a time. In fact, that applies to pretty much everything I do, I just get myself tangled up in everything I do. Can't be arsed to try and find out though. I rather live in blissful ignorance. I'm starting to notice that a lot of places started removing mirrors from the ladies' room especially public places. Very smart, but it sucks for us. I guess its so there won't be a mile long lines for the restroom since women probably spent more time in front of the mirror fixing their makeup than actually using the bathroom. It really doesn't take that long to pee. It's December... I really hope it snows more soon. The one thing I never get sick of about NYC is the city during Christmas. I miss having a coffee in the middle of a freezing street, people watching, slow walks and talks or just breathing in the piercing cold but refreshing air. I haven't had the chance to walk down the city streets with all the decorative lights this year yet. The notion of it is just nostalgic to me and holds so many memories. I'd like to do that more often with the year coming to an end soon whether its by myself and with another person. Labels: books, christmas, dramas, media, nyc, random, sleep 0 Comments: |