I write here for myself to keep my thoughts organized about my personal uneventful life and everything
else in between. I speak Engrish for the most part. So if you're a judging close minded asshole or
excessively annoying grammar nazi - fuck you, shut up and go away. This is my place, my rules. Keep
your shoes on.
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Sunday, September 1, 2013 @ 1:31 PM
![]() I've had way more than my share of ups and downs lately both emotionally and physically. I can't say which is worst but I've been increasingly feeling lonely and sad again. Seems like my friend depression is back and its making me feel empty and manic at the same time. Even when I'm surrounded by a large group of people or when I'm alone with my boy friend. ''We accept the love we think we deserve." I think I really fucked up there. I was selfish and accepted and held onto a love I didn't deserve. I don't deserve to be loved, I've come to accept that there is no possible way of true love for me before in life and yet I've became so over my head mesmerized with how finally the best thing in my life has happened to me and I never want to let it go or out of my grasps for even half a second. The thing is, I'm still broken and still as fucked up as I always am and theres no reason for me to be this way other than trauma and my inability to overcome my past that still haunts me on a daily basis. And then he came along, being the best thing and person thats ever happened to me in my life a so far and I've gone ahed and sabotage everything just by simply being me. I swear I'm not even trying or consciously aware of what I am doing but no matter what I do, it seems to be wrong. Theres always this line drawn for every person I've met in my life of how much of my bullshit cynical asshole behavior they can tolerate before they completely turn their backs and absolutely on me and want nothing to do with me anymore. And I think even he can't take it anymore. There's only so much a person can tolerate and I can see it withering apart. I wish he'd show me otherwise. Show me that I'm wrong and that he still loves me selflessly. But maybe thats just way too much to ask for. All I wanted was reassurance of your love. That's why I'm always asking questions. I'm trying to find the answer you're not giving me. I never felt drained around him, I never felt the need to make pointless small talk, we could sit side by side in bed in silence and the moment will still feel perfectly infinite. He was me escapism. To be quite honest, I've come to rely and broke down all my walls around him so much so that I don't think I can think of a life without him anymore. I know its sad and pathetic that I can't find a reason to live for myself. It constantly scares the fuck out of me when I observe his indifferent behavior sometimes. And all I can here in my head is my heart pounding to a point where I get panic attacks and I can no longer breathe. Just myself yelling at me "good job asshole you wanted so much of this love you don't deserve that you're driving away the one good thing in your life. You're always a fuck up and always will be a fuck up and no one will or can ever put up with your ugly personality". And now that he sees how ugly I am really inside and out, there isn't much more of any mystery in me to keep me interesting. I am nothing and I have nothing to offer. In fact, I'm just a shit load of burden. Not only am I ruining my life but I'm taking him down with me and thats that last thing I want to do. I always want to best for him nut I don't think realizes a quarter of how stronger I feel about us. Maybe I'd be doing him a favor by killing myself or ending it all so I can set him free. He deserves to be with someone much better than me. Someone good in every way, he deserves the best and I'm just garbage. I can hardly breathe thinking about all of this. We just fought and I'm so scared I can't fall asleep with this unsettled feeling of uncertainty. Are you fed up with me and sick of all my shit? I never truly loved before so I don't know if I'm doing anything right. I'm trying my best though. Because truth be told, between the two of us, I am the reacher and he can do so much better than me in a split second. But just because I acknowledge that I am all this, it doesn't mean it kills me to see him care less by the day. I've been trying way too hard from the very beginning to please and pleasure him however he wants and whenever that now, I just feel dirty and cheap. So pathetic, but I just wanted to do everything in my power to make him feel good and I like the intimacy. Its too bad most people see the act of sex as just sex. Maybe I'm lame and old school, but I see it as making love, making a connection and passion. But those who don't see it that way just think THat's all I care about and I have no deeper side of me other than lust. Its truly saddening; I tried too hard and now I made nothing of myself. I have no self worth. My self esteem is crushed to bits and pieces shattered all over the ground with me being the female thats constantly being shot down. Isn't it usually the opposite? That guys want it more? It just makes me think I must be really disgusting and ugly for it to be this way. Self esteem in negatives and it just keeps sinking. Ive broken all my standards and exceptions trying to keep him happy, but somethings trying is no good enough. Its just me as an individual that's not good enough.Tonight I really wanted to find a knife and just go release all the tension and multilane my arms all over again. To see the redding blood dripping down my arms and focus on nothing but that not only upsets him, it repulses him. Oh the sharp pain knot in my heart of knowing the one you love not only do they turn their back to you and push you away. You're disgusting and repulsive to them instead of helping you. I wanted to just die right at that moment. I want more, I want to be smothered by his love but I'm not getting it. It feels like its slowly deteriorating from the moment we starting living together the first summer. I miss all the small details an I really miss when you use to care more. This is breaking me apart all over again. I don't know if i should keep pushing to try and fight for your love. But in the end, if I have to force it upon you to come at least comfort me when I'm crying, I think you've already given up on me. It's not real if you have to beg for comfort and love all the time. It's a chore and It loses most of its purpose if you don't love me enough to yield to me when I'm a mess and crying all over the place. My flight is in 4 days on Thursday, I really hope things get better before I leave for good this time. I have a feeling if our relationship doesn't improve and stay strong, That'll be the last of me. I probably won't be traveling and staying long visits to LA anymore since its been made clear that I'm extra burden financially and health-wish in terms of sleep. I don't have a place to call him, but either way. I'm not welcomed anywhere so I'll return to my little corner of the world and hide. Suffering it all in silence. Labels: alone, bad days, California, drama, escapism, falling, insanity, insomnia, lost, love, mentality, miserable, mistakes, nyc, questions, self destructive, self-esteem 1 Comments: |