I write here for myself to keep my thoughts organized about my personal uneventful life and everything
else in between. I speak Engrish for the most part. So if you're a judging close minded asshole or
excessively annoying grammar nazi - fuck you, shut up and go away. This is my place, my rules. Keep
your shoes on.
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Saturday, September 28, 2013 @ 8:16 PM
![]() In the end, I was the only one shamelessly fighting for our love and to keep you. While I'm not worth a second look or turning back Everything was just pretty words and I still fall for them every single time if its coming from you who got me to believe in you so much. I should have known better, but I thought life was finally paying off and the best thing thats ever happened to me has finely found me out of all the people in this world and its massive population, we found each other. Its was like a miracle stepping stone to our happiness. I truly believed that. That life was finally turning around and he was going to be the man who saves me from myself. I lived for him and I would die for him or us. It's way easier to die for someone than it is to live for them. Life is so tiresome and serves as a challenge everyday just trying to make it to the next day. I tried my best to live for us and our false future you implanted as part of the ideas that made me think you were the one. You were the answer; You're my escapism. You're never going to give up on me the way I gave up on myself. Living for someone you love is way harder than one can imagined you have to totally surrender yourself at some point and put that person ahead of you regardless and unconditionally. Until the very moment I fully let go and you have my life and heart under your power and possession. Whats left of the life in me was in your hands; Right there for you to crush and step all over anytime you want. You really had me going. You were my addiction and maybe if I didn't so desperately want you and your attention attention and time all the time like I'm just some house pet, you'd respect me more and I can have a bit more self respect. In the end, I am nothing. Who the hell did I think I was? I was so in over my head. Maybe this is all I deserve in the end. To be abandoned easily in a blink of an eye like two day old garbage without any chance or hope. Being entirely cut off with no one to talk to or getting nothing but silent treatment and cold shoulders. You're hurting me so much more than you know. If that was the intention, congratulations you have succeeded prosperously. Take my broken heart as your trophy and put it in your shoe box. Maybe this was the so call 'love' I deserve in the end and thats what it was all building up to. Still even if I don't deserve any of your love, the way you broke me down was so cruel it still pains me every time I think about it. It still drives me crazy every moment of the day, reminding myself that it's my fault for opening up so much. I should't have showed the real me, no one will actually love who I really am as if I'm some trophy they want to show off their influence o.Very often people are attracted to people who are assholes or broken or damaged, people they have no business getting involved with to begin with but they do it for the thrill and challenge of wanting to change someone's life with their own hands and dictate over it. I've lost count of how many people I've come across in my life who always have some kind of input on how to so easily solve whats wrong with me and fix my world and so they think they know me better than myself about about my condition as if its easy as 1, 2, 3 just follow their directions and they know whats best when in reality they have no idea what you are going through. Every single asshole always wants to give their 2 cents on situations and every single one think they they whats best for someone more than that person itself. How can anyone justify their behavior on trying to inflict their personal opinion onto someone else. Seeing it and observing it from your point of view is often very different than having to live with it too. So their forceful behavior end up hurting me in the worst way possible instead of helping. And apparently me, as the individual who actually has to put up with what is insisted gets no say even though I'm personally going through the situation and problems know whats better for than the person itself when they are a 3rd party individual who has never gone through the same thing the person is inflicted with and don't know what its really like to be the person itself. They just insist and force it onto the person of conflict because believe their way is the correct way. In other words simply put, the third party is basically telling the person how to feel or respond to situations and what makes them happy or not. Dictating their behavior and what they have to put up with. Shouldn't the person themselves feel the reaction of what is forced upon them? Yes they do. And it hurts like fuck,its breaking my heart but the moment I say something, it means I'm just being difficult as always, I'm picking fights, I never listen to anyone else. How about letting the person living that life decide? I can't even express the mental pain it causes me without being accused of being difficult and uncompromising... when the 3rd person starting with the insisting and dominant behaior one who is interfering and insisting their opinion on something that does not directly effect them. Is it to show of your power over the other person you created and tamed? But often times they don't realize they more damage they can fathom to the person who is already broken by treating them like an inferior being that way. People just want a go at it like I'm some science experiment. They want to change me and fix me. And when things get too difficult or complicated, they can just up and leave as always.. But guess what? so hurt me, taint me, deceive me and break me. I;n all yours and I still love you regardless So hurt me if that vilifies the pain i've caused you. Sp I'll still love you and you can keep hurting me as I watch from afar. I can already see that anytime I bring up a concern that is hurting me I just get shut down and bombarded with you're the same person you always was you'll never change as a person for us to e be able to get along. That its all my fault. I'm willing to break myself trying for us. I'm willing to compromise everything and just be a rag doll. But I thought the trying was suppose to be both ways... why do I only feel like I'm walking on eggshells discussing it. That I have to be so cautious of what I say so I don't piss you off easily again and give you another reason to tell me why I am no good and don't deserve another chance...I thought we agree to be more open minded for each other and to be more lenient and understand and treat each other well but so far, eventually somewhere into the conversation I feel like I'm being treated like crap but I don't even want to bother mentioning anything because god forbid if I'm not 150% ok with everything being done. I waited so long for what we have to happen and I want us to be happy but so far nothing will bring the person who claims to love me around and try along with me to make things work. Its always he needs time away from me, why would you want more time away from a person you love that you barely get to see or talk to as it is? So much for wanting to be smothered with my love and not being scared. I think I'm already overdue and expired on the person of interest list perhaps. I waited in the silence and I seem to be having to do that a lot lately just for a chance at any conversation. I did it for 8 years silently in the background, I can do it for another 8 won't make a difference. Although I'd most likely die before that time comes.. But nothing matters if I'm the only one who wants things to be ok and want to be happy together and believe in it. The whole point is to keep our relationship together and not regress to a state where we stop talking again over every little thing. I just wish it would stop and we can stop worrying so much about every single little thing. I just want to remember that I love you more than the universe and once upon a time you did too, so just hug and kiss me and not let anything get in between our most sacred bond of all. I'm happy so long as you never stop loving me and always want my love as well. Everything else is just details to it. Our love should be beyond that and these pity things shouldn't phase. I just want to scream and rip out my hair out sometimes when we fail to see the bigger picture; that all these fucking things don't matter in the end, our love prevails it. I just want to hold you and forget about everything else. I just want to be lost in each other's presence and eyes. and stop stressing out so much about things that really aren't fundamental in the end. who throws away genuine love with that strong of a bond that with any indications life seems to have brought us together and kept it strong within us all these years. That should triumph over any fight and everything. I'm happy as long as I end up with him. even during bad days as long as we have each other to crawl into bed with, we wake up anew. These grudges and overly magnified details shouldn't even come close to being able to side track our love, but somehow you let it do that... try to come around and remember all that we are first. I think sometimes we forget and take it for granted. I believe in it and I want to believe in us. I want both of us to fight for not, not just me trying to call you pathetically day by day while you ignore my calls. As I write this I keep thinking how did we let ourselves go like this and choose to be so harsh to the other person; because right now all I want and choose is you first above all. When we look at it overall on the things we are so preoccupied on being hung up on who's right or wrong or when if ever can we forgive each other, it all seems very trivial and petty compared to the love we have to begin with. Let's not forget about that while picking up rocks around it. I just think of our bond as the core and love that holds us together thats the most important and to never give up on each other and forget the main bond and love. I don't even know if I'm making any sense. I don't want to "argue" anymore though so I hope one day he sees what I see in us. the magnitude of our love and bond and how everything is just a detail compared to it. What matters the most is how much we love each other, please come around and see that, then you'll understand why I miss you all the time and want to see you above all and need you in my life. We both need to realize that because we love each other so much we should be able to sit down and talk calmly about other things that concern us without having to break up several times a month because of those little things. I'm not saying that the greater picture is a viable excuse to get away with everything in a relationship, but its the first time we hit currents so hard like these and theres no excuse not to give it our best effort and try. To put ourselves out there even if it might hurt ourselves, we need to do it for each other to show what we are capable of. Use failing to realize this concept or not being able to do so much right now isnt a reason to give up instantly. Nothing worth having in life comes easy. We can approach it from another angle. We only live once, remember? Labels: alone, breaking everything, death, depressed, frustration, goo goo dolls, letting go, lost, love, mentality, mistakes, sorrow, sorry, truths 0 Comments: |